Are you an 8-Bit Kid?
Many of us were lucky enough to grow up with Commodore 64. Some even produced games on it. Even if you are too young to remember, I bet you will find stories of growing up with this computer fascinating.
It seems we will have a chance to read a new one soon!
Koen De Brabander - founder of the Belgian Commodore 64 Club, is gathering the funds to publish an interesting book.
Or in his own words:
(…) a story about the unforgettable summer holidays of our childhood days, endless hours and of having all the time of the world… About friendship, E.T., The A-Team, Knight Rider, and… the Commodore 64. And of course, the 80s feel shining at you from every single page.
If that sounds exciting, you should visit his Kickstarter campaign and help him make the book reality.
You'll find the link at the bottom of the article.
But that's not all.
64 Bites became a proud supporter!
If you back this book in any form you will receive the first season of 64 bites' videos for free!
Season 1 is worth $19.99 and contains:
- first nine episodes (50+ minutes of DRM-free videos in total)
- transcripts (7500+ words)
- source code examples (450+ LOC) and
- programming exercises for each episode.
Read an exciting story of fellow 8-bit kids!
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