Behind the Scenes - Part 2
Apr 14
After the second day of work, the episode is done! It is also my second day of using Snapchat.
See how I record and edit audio and video for one 64bites episode.

Behind the Scenes - Part 1
Apr 13
Did you know that a five-minute video can take even two days to make?
Let me show you how I make a new episode from scratch.

Are you an 8-Bit Kid?
Apr 7
Many of us were lucky enough to grow up with Commodore 64. Some even produced games on it. Even if you are too young to remember, I bet you will find stories of growing up with this computer fascinating.
It seems we will have a chance to read a new one soon!

Your Live Coding Demo is Boring. Let's Fix It!
Nov 19
Recently I've read an interesting blog post by Alan Shrieve Your live coding demo is boring. In which he expresses categoric statement: "if you write code live on stage, then you are boring me".
It bothered me more than it should.

My Very First Computer Program
Jun 17
The first program I've ever written had only two lines:
20 GOTO 10
Once I've run it. My life changed forever…

64 Bites is Live!
Jun 11
64 Bites - Short and Sweet Commodore 64 Programming Screencasts has been published on Thursday, 11th of June 2015. The easiest way to start learning how to program your beloved C64 is finally within your reach.

Create a 1k Image for Commodore 64 with Ruby
May 31
At the end of the Episode #006 - Read Data you can see a low-resolution image made out of characters. It was made using the READ command to pick values from a large DATA sequence and then POKE them into the screen memory. As the data set is rather large, we would prefer to generate it automatically…