64spec - Commodore 64 Testing Framework

64spec is a one-file testing framework for KickAssembler. It is designed to make testing the 6502/6510 assembly enjoyable.

Video Introduction



1. Get the latest version of 64spec.asm file from the releases page.

2. That's it. Yes, it's only one file!


Recommended way

1. Create a dir for libraries that your KickAssembler projects use.

2. Get the latest version of the 64spec.asm file and put it in this dir along with other libraries.

3. Import it in your spec files as .import source "64spec.asm"

4. Make sure to pass option -libbdir when compiling with KickAssembler.

If you just want to try it out

1. Get the latest version of the 64spec.asm file and put it in the same directory as your spec files.

2. Import it in your spec files as .import source "64spec.asm"

Quick Start

1. Create file example_spec.asm

.import source "64spec.asm"

sfspec: :init_spec()
  // TODO: Add assertions here


2. Add first failing assertion.

.import source "64spec.asm"

sfspec: :init_spec()
  :assert_a_equal #42


3. Make it pass

.import source "64spec.asm"

sfspec: :init_spec()

  lda #42
  :assert_a_equal #42
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